2019 Livestock Entry Steps

County Fair Livestock Entry Steps

If you are a 4-H member you need to be registered on 4honline.com by June 5, 2019.

FFA Members need to be approved by a FFA Advisor with enrollment completed by June 5, 2019.

All Livestock entries must be entered by June 5, 2019. Market Livestock entries will need a record book which will be due at the time of weigh-ins if they would like to participate in market round and the auction which can be found at extension.usu.edu.

Livestock Schedule can be found at extension.usu.edu.

If you have any questions feel free to email Brianna Cook at brianna.cook@usu.edu or call the office at (435)738-1140.

In order to be ready for the Jr. Livestock Show and Open Shows follow the steps bellow.

4-H Members must be registered on 4-H online.
If FFA Member proceed to step 2.
If participating in open shows proceed to step 3.
Tag Animals
Market Beef by April 27, 2019.
Market Lambs and Hogs by June 5, 2019.
Register open, 4-H and FFA animal(s) by June 5, 2019 at
Work on entering information into your Record Book so that it is up to date and complete at the time of weigh-ins.
Check show schedule for dates and times of shows.
Have completed Record Book and Market Animals ready to weigh-in on August 5, 2019.