Demolition Derby- Lawn Mower Races

Tickets Booth Open at 5:00 pm.  Gates Open at 6:00 pm

Demolition derby is a motorsport where five or more drivers competing by deliberately ramming their vehicles into one another. The last driver whose vehicle is still operational is awarded the victory.


Anyone 16 and older with a valid drivers license is eligible to enter. Stay tuned for more details. Contact Jason Wells (435)724-4506 or Sam Williams (435) 622-6333 with questions

  August 7

  7:00 pm

  Outdoor Arena

  $15 - Ticket sales open July 1st

  • Details
  • Tickets
  • Register
  • Waiver
  • Rules

Demolition derby is a motorsport where five or more drivers competing by deliberately ramming their vehicles into one another. The last driver whose vehicle is still operational is awarded the victory.


We are excited to announce that we will be having Lawn Mower Races as part of our Demolition Derby this year! Anyone 16 and older with a valid drivers license is eligible to enter. Stay tuned for more details. Contact Jason Wells (435)724-4506 or Sam Williams (435) 622-6333 with questions

To attend:

Adults: $15 per person
Children under 2: FREE


Participants must be registered:

Register Now

Waiver Form

Get Waiver

The Demolition Derby is still on! Rules will be the same as last year, with a few very minor changes we are still finalizing. The new registration from and rules will be posted soon. We will post a link as soon as they are updated. In the meantime if you have any questions contact Jason Wells (435) 724-4506 or Sam Williams (435) 622-6333


Derby Limited Weld Rules

